Vieni tai vadina namų mokymu arba nemokyklinimu, aš tai vadinu tiesiog vaikyste. Ir tikiu, kad mano, kaip mamos, darbas yra išmokyti sūnų stebėti pasaulį ir mokytis iš jo.
O kartu mokytis ir pačiai! Jei neturėčiau vaikų, kažin, ar kada nors gyvenime būčiau sužinojusi, kad šis drugelis - tai citrusinis būriuotojas (The Citrus Swallowtail), kuris savo kiaušinėlius palieka ant citrusinių medžių. Taip daro todėl, kad ant šių medžių nebūną jokių kitų vabzdžių. O ant šių žiedų tupinėjo rinkdamas nektarą.
Pastebėjome jį kieme, plevenantį savo didžiuliais sparnais. Aš dar spėjau nubėgti fotoaprato, o mano Kasparas laukė ir stebėjo. Vėliau susėdome patyrinėti nuotraukų ir pabandyti surasti jo pavadinimą. Ir mums pavyko!
O drugeliai Kasparui patinka jau seniai. Dabar labai laukia kelionės į Lietuvą ir pas senelius, nes žadėjo nusivesti į drugelių parodą.
Some people call it homeschooling, others - unschooling. I call it just childhood. I believe that this is my job o show my son how to observe the world and learn from that. And I learn together with him! If I have no kids, I will never find out that this butterfly is called the Citrus Swallowtail. It lays eggs on citrus trees, because there are no other insects. This butterfly was sipping nectar from flowers in our yard. I was quick enough to bring my camera and Kasparas was waiting. It was nice experience. After this we were trying to finds its name on internet. And we did it! Kasparas is in love with butterflies for a long time. He is waiting for our trip to Lithuania, because his grandparents are going to visit one exhibition of butterflies, which is now on show in Kaunas.
O drugeliai Kasparui patinka jau seniai. Dabar labai laukia kelionės į Lietuvą ir pas senelius, nes žadėjo nusivesti į drugelių parodą.
Some people call it homeschooling, others - unschooling. I call it just childhood. I believe that this is my job o show my son how to observe the world and learn from that. And I learn together with him! If I have no kids, I will never find out that this butterfly is called the Citrus Swallowtail. It lays eggs on citrus trees, because there are no other insects. This butterfly was sipping nectar from flowers in our yard. I was quick enough to bring my camera and Kasparas was waiting. It was nice experience. After this we were trying to finds its name on internet. And we did it! Kasparas is in love with butterflies for a long time. He is waiting for our trip to Lithuania, because his grandparents are going to visit one exhibition of butterflies, which is now on show in Kaunas.
lays its eggs on citrus trees.
Before citrus trees were brought to South Africa, they fed on various other plants but developed a liking for citrus trees as there were no other insects on them. - See more at:
Before citrus trees were brought to South Africa, they fed on various other plants but developed a liking for citrus trees as there were no other insects on them. - See more at:
lays its eggs on citrus trees.
Before citrus trees were brought to South Africa, they fed on various other plants but developed a liking for citrus trees as there were no other insects on them. - See more at:
Before citrus trees were brought to South Africa, they fed on various other plants but developed a liking for citrus trees as there were no other insects on them. - See more at:
kiekviena gyvenimo pamoka yra vertinga, kad ir kokia ji. kartais net nesuvokiam, kad kažko išmokom, kol neatsikartoja situacija ir pagaunam save, kad gal elgiamės visai kitaip. o gal taip pat? gal vėl klystam, nes nebuvom tos pamokos išmokę?