Gyventi Pietų Afrikoje reiškia ir tai, kad lapkričio pabaigoje, tik tik prasidėjus ličių sezonui, jau gali rinkti jų kauliukus. Jie puikiai tinka žaidimams! Štai Kasparui (2m. 2mėn) pasiūliau juos dėlioti į formeles, kurios skirtos plastilinui. Puikus būdas mokytis geometrijos, tiesa? Tiktų į mano sąrašą. Jeigu norite išbadyti šį užsiėmimą, puikiai tiks ir lietuviškos gilės arba pupos ir riešutai. Ir formelių tokių visai nebūtina, tiesiog panaudokite kokias nors iš virtuvės, skirtas sausainiams. O dar turime užduotį stebėti, kaip tie ličių kauliukai keisis džiūdami: kol kas blizgūs, tvirti ir gražūs.
When you live in South Africa the end of November means the litchi season started. And you can collect its' stones for children to play. I invited Kasparas (2years 2 months) to put them into play dough cutters. It is great way to learn geometry, isn't it? It could be added to my previous list. If you want to try this activity, think about beans, nuts or acorns. And cookies cutters will go well also. We have an opportunity to wait and see how these stones of litchi are going to transform. By now they are shiny, nice and hard.
When you live in South Africa the end of November means the litchi season started. And you can collect its' stones for children to play. I invited Kasparas (2years 2 months) to put them into play dough cutters. It is great way to learn geometry, isn't it? It could be added to my previous list. If you want to try this activity, think about beans, nuts or acorns. And cookies cutters will go well also. We have an opportunity to wait and see how these stones of litchi are going to transform. By now they are shiny, nice and hard.
Jau rašiau apie būdus, kurie skatina vaikus piešti. Štai vienas jų - piešimo studija ant dušo kabinos. Ir popietinė saulė, kai sūnus atsisako pietų miego, tačiau tam, kad abu dar turėtume jėgų iki vakaro, reikia ramios veiklos. Piešimas tokiais atvejais puikiai tinka.
I wrote how to encourage children to draw. One of the ways is the art study in the shower. I put some papers with tape on shower doors. You can see the afternoon sun here. It is the day when my son refused to take a day nap, but I know he then needs some quiet activity instead of sleep. This is the only way to keep both of us in the good mood until evening comes. Drawing is the best for these kind of situations.
I wrote how to encourage children to draw. One of the ways is the art study in the shower. I put some papers with tape on shower doors. You can see the afternoon sun here. It is the day when my son refused to take a day nap, but I know he then needs some quiet activity instead of sleep. This is the only way to keep both of us in the good mood until evening comes. Drawing is the best for these kind of situations.
Ar pastebėjote, kad atnaujinau savo plastilino receptą? Manau, pagaliau atitaikėme idealų vandens kiekį ir sumažinau kitų ingridientų kiekį, nes pastebėjau, kad anksčiau vis dalydavau viską pusiau, kad padaryčiau bent dviejų spalvų plastilino. Išbandykite - nieko nereikia virti, pagaminsite kartu su vaiku turbūt per kokias penkias minutes. O žaidimo paskui bus ilgam. Štai, ir vėl tos formelės, šįkart pagal paskirtį.
Have you noticed I updated my play dough recipe? I think we have finally found the best amount of water to add. As well I put everything in smaller amounts now, because it is enough if you want to make a few different colors of play dough. Try this! No cooking needed. You can make it with your toddler in five minutes.
Have you noticed I updated my play dough recipe? I think we have finally found the best amount of water to add. As well I put everything in smaller amounts now, because it is enough if you want to make a few different colors of play dough. Try this! No cooking needed. You can make it with your toddler in five minutes.
Negalvokite, kad mes nuolat namie. Pas mus prasideda afrikietiška vasara. Žolė pagaliau žalia žalia, nors nėra tokia švelni kaip Lietuvoje. Niekada iki šiol net nebuvau susimasčiusi, kad ji gali būti skirtinga. Ir bitė jau ne kartą įgėlė man, o Kasparui - patį pirmąjį kartą jo gyvenime. Nes vis basoms prabėgame per dobilus. Ir keliai jo nubrozdinti kaip ir kitų judrių vaikų. Tik lauke vis neturiu po ranka fotoaparato, kurį dabar stengiuosi dažniau naudoti nei telefoną. Kažkaip jaučiuosi įpareigota gerinti tinklaraščio kokybę, kai turiu tiek skaitytojų, kurių prieš pusmetį pradėdama šį blogą tiek ir nesitikėjau. Džiaugiuosi kiekvienu! Taigi lauke mes ne tik renkame įvairius augalus kirpimo pamokoms, bet ir daug žaidžiame įvairių judrių žaidimų. Kamuoliai? Kaip gi be jų? Lietuvoje neteko matyti tokių spalvotų kamuolio laikiklių, kurie skirti regbiui. Daug su jais smagumo galima sugalvoti, o už septynis juos sumokėjau apie 4-5 eurus.
We also spend a lot of time outside. We have an african summer here that just started. The grass is finally green, but not so soft as we are used to have in our country. I had three bee stings and Kasparas had the first one in his life. He was fine. He also has scraped knees as all children do. One of the things we do outside is that we are searching for plants to cut them with scissors. We are also playing a lot of games. And what is the best toy outside? Balls of course. I have found these colorfull rugby ball stands at local shop that make these games more interesting and chalenging. Can you imagine how much activities we can have with them? I have spent about 4-5 euros for seven of them.
We also spend a lot of time outside. We have an african summer here that just started. The grass is finally green, but not so soft as we are used to have in our country. I had three bee stings and Kasparas had the first one in his life. He was fine. He also has scraped knees as all children do. One of the things we do outside is that we are searching for plants to cut them with scissors. We are also playing a lot of games. And what is the best toy outside? Balls of course. I have found these colorfull rugby ball stands at local shop that make these games more interesting and chalenging. Can you imagine how much activities we can have with them? I have spent about 4-5 euros for seven of them.
I love your idea of learning about shapes using different fun! Thank you for sharing.